I. INTRODUCTION Presumably everyone agrees that the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and one of the best ways to make it happen is through education. In this regard, the teacher is one key to the success of education, because education in the school's core activities are teaching and learning requires the teacher's role in it. It must be admitted the rampant flow of information today, the teacher is no longer the only source of information but it is one source of information. However its role in the educational process is still needed, especially with respect to touches of psychological and educative to the students. The slogan of the unsung heroes always attached to the teaching profession. It is based on the dedication of teachers is so high and sincere in education. Not only that, the attitude of wisdom, discipline, honesty, sincerity, courtesy and as a professional role model makes this one different from the others. Because the responsibility of the teaching profession does not stop at the finish he was teaching, but also on student success in capturing, understanding, practice and practice the science accepted in everyday life, either directly or indirectly. This makes the image of a teacher in the public eye is always in a better place and noble. Today the image of teachers getting warmer discussed. Communities often complain and accuse teachers unable to teach when their children get low values, ranking dropped, or NEM was dropped. Finally, some parents engage their children for the course, or private tutoring. Parties join the working world because the quality of graduate teachers protest it received did not fit the world of work. Not to mention about the delinquency and moral decadence of the students who recently picked up steam only. It is often perceived that the teacher failed in educating the children of the nation. That's what makes the image so the teacher decreases. II.PERMASALAHAN Based on the description in the introduction above, the problems will be discussed in this paper is "How self-empowerment (teacher) in an effort to lift the image of the teacher?" III.PEMBAHASAN Sudjana in Mustafa (2005) explain the low recognition by society of the teaching profession as a result of low teacher-image caused by the following factors: (1) the view of some people, that anyone can become a teacher as long as he is knowledgeable (2) the shortage of teachers in remote areas, providing opportunity to appoint someone who does not have the expertise to become a teacher, (3) many teachers do not respect the profession, let alone trying to develop the profession, the feeling of inferiority as a teacher, a profession for the abuse of satisfaction and personal interests (http://rasto.wordpress . com / January 31, 2008). Shah (2000) highlight the low level of professional competence of teachers, teacher mastery of the content and teaching methods are still below standard, as the cause of the low quality of teachers and leads to a low image of teachers. In detail, from the aspect of teachers, low quality of teachers according to Sudarminta in Mujiran (2005), among others, appear from the following symptoms: (1) lack of mastery of the material being taught, (2) mismatch between the subjects studied are in fact teachers and field taught, (3) lack of effective ways of teaching, (4) lack of authority of the teacher in front of students, (4) lack of motivation and dedication to become educators who truly; the more that happens to be a teacher and not really be a teacher; (6) lack of emotional maturity, independence of thought, and firmness in pretty much the attitude of teachers so that their personality is not really ready as educators; most teachers in relation to the pupil is still only serves as a teacher and not as an educator, (7) relatively low levels of intellectual students entering teacher candidates LPTKs (Institute of Personnel Procurement) compared to those entering the university ( January 31, 2008). The above description emphasizes that professionalism is a guarantee for improving the image of teachers. This is consistent with an important message that appears in the Law no. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. Recognition of teachers and lecturers as a profession are expected to spur the growth of awareness of quality and turn will improve the image of teachers in society. As affirmed in article 7 (1) that the profession of teachers and lecturers is a specialized area of ​​work undertaken on the basis of certain principles. And subsequently confirmed in article 8 that teachers must have academic qualifications, competence, certification of educators, physically and spiritually healthy. Competence of teachers referred to in Article 8 include pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence.
A. Competence Personality Competence personality is that teachers should have a steady and stable personality, mature, wise, dignified, and noble berakhlaq. It also expected the growth of self-reliance teachers in performing their duties and always used to build a work ethic. Until all of these properties have a positive impact in their daily lives of teachers. Personal competence of a teacher include; have good knowledge of social customs and religion, have the cultural knowledge and tradition, have knowledge of the core of democracy, have an appreciation and social awareness, knowledge of aesthetics, has the right attitude towards knowledge and work, and loyal against human dignity. Teachers as educators whose primary job of teaching, has a personality characteristic that is very influential on the successful development of human resources. In simple terms means the very nature of individual personality which is reflected in the attitudes and perbuatanya which distinguishes itself from others. Teacher's personality is an important factor for the success of their students learn. In this connection, a personality that will determine whether he be a good educator and mentor for their students, or will be a destroyer or a destroyer for the future of their students, especially for young students (primary level) and those who are experiencing mental shock (intermediate level). Personality characteristics related to the success of teachers in the profession is a wrestle include psychological cognitive flexibility and openness. Realm of cognitive flexibility or fluidity copyright is an ability to think, followed by the simultaneous action and adequate in certain situations. Teachers are flexible in general characterized by openness to think and adapt. In addition, he has an resistance or resistance to premature closure of the realm of copyright in the observation and recognition.
B. Professional Competence According to Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, professional competence is "the ability of mastering the subject matter is broad and deep". Professional competence are the various capabilities that are needed in order to realize himself as a professional teacher. Professional competencies include expertise or skill in the art of mastering the material should be taught along with the method, a sense of responsibility of duty and sense of community with other teacher colleagues. Professional competence of teachers include the ability in terms of (1) understand and can apply a good educational grounding philosophical, psychological, and so forth, (2) understand and apply the theories learned in accordance with the level of behavioral development of students, (3) able to handle the subject or field of study assigned to him, (4) understand and can apply appropriate teaching methods, (5) capable of using various tools and media lessons and other learning facilities, (6) able to organize and implement the teaching program, (7) capable of carrying out evaluations of learning and ( 8) able to motivate learners.
Pedagogic Competence C. In Law No.. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers proposed pedagogic competence is "the ability to manage the learning of students". These competencies can be seen from the ability to plan a program of teaching and learning, the ability to execute or manage the interaction of teaching and learning process, and the ability to do assessments.
1.Merencanakan learning courses Teaching and learning process needs to be planned so that in actual learning is going well and can achieve the expected results. Each planning is always concerned with thinking about what to do. Planning teaching and learning program estimates about what action will be performed in accomplishing the learning. According to Joni (1984:12), the ability to plan learning programs include the ability: (1) plan the organization of teaching materials, (2) plan for the management of teaching and learning activities, (3) plan for classroom management, (4) planned use of media and sources teaching, and (5) planning the assessment of student achievement for the sake of teaching. The contents of planning to set and define the elements of learning, such as objectives, material or contents, methods, tools and resources, and assessment. Program of teaching and learning is nothing but a projection of teachers regarding student activities to do during the learning takes place. In the activity described in detail where the student will be taken (purpose), what should be learned (the content of teaching materials), how students learn (methods and techniques), and how do we know that students have already achieved (assessment). The main elements that must exist in the planning of teaching, namely: (1) the objectives to be achieved, in the form of forms of what is desired behavior for the students after the teaching-learning process, (2) teaching materials or content that can deliver students achieve the objectives, (3) methods and techniques used, namely how the teaching-learning process will be created to enable students to achieve the goals of teachers, and (4) assessment, namely how to create and use tools to determine the goal is reached or not. Activities planned program of teaching and learning according to the pattern Intruksional Systems Development Procedure (ITS) include: (1) formulate goals intruksional, (2) outlines a description of the discussion unit, (3) designing learning activities, (4) choose a variety of media and learning resources, and (5) develop instruments for the value of mastery goals. Ability to plan teaching and learning programs include the ability: (1) planning the organization of teaching materials, (2) plan for the management of teaching and learning activities, (3) plan for classroom management, (4) planned use of media and teaching resources, and (5) planning the assessment student achievement for the sake of teaching. Based on the description above, plan a program of teaching and learning is a projection of teachers regarding student activities to do during the learning takes place, which includes: formulating goals, outlines the description of the discussion unit, designing learning activities, choose a variety of media and learning resources, and assessment plan mastery objectives.
2.Melaksanakan teaching and learning process Implement the learning process is the implementation phase of the program have been compiled. In this activity are in demand is the ability of teachers to create and foster active student learning activities in accordance with the plans that have been prepared. Teachers must be able to take decisions based on appropriate assessment, whether dicukupkan teaching and learning activities, whether the method be changed whether the activities and needs to be repeated, when students have not been able to achieve learning goals. At this stage in addition to theoretical knowledge of teaching and learning, the knowledge of students, proficiency and skills are also required to learn techniques, such as: the principles of teaching, the use of teaching aids, use of teaching methods, and skills to assess student learning outcomes. Yutmini argued that: the requirements that must possess the ability of teachers to implement teaching and learning involves the ability to: (1) using the method of learning, media studies, and training materials appropriate to the learning goals, (2) demonstrate mastery of subjects and teaching equipment, ( 3) communicate with students, (4) demonstrate a variety of teaching methods, and (5) carry out the evaluation of teaching and learning process. A similar raised by Harahap, which states that: The ability to have teachers in implementing the program include the ability to teach are: (1) motivate students to learn from the lesson when opening until closing, (2) direct teaching purposes, (3) present the lesson material with methods that are relevant to the purpose of teaching, (4) to consolidate learning, (5) use the tools of teaching aids properly, (6) implement the guidance counseling services, (7) improving teaching and learning programs, and (8) implement the results assessment of learning. In the implementation of teaching and learning process regarding the management of learning, in delivering the subject matter must be done in a planned and systematic, so that teaching objectives can be mastered by the student effectively and efficiently. Abilities must be possessed of teachers in implementing the teaching and learning activities seen in identifying the characteristics and abilities of students early, then diagnose, assess and respond to any changes in student behavior. Thus, it can be said that carrying out the process of teaching and learning is something which the activity takes place with the aim of the relationship between human beings and help foster student engagement in learning. Basically carry out teaching and learning process is to create an environment and atmosphere that can lead to changes in students' cognitive structures.
3.Melaksanakan assessment of teaching and learning process According Sutisna (1985), assessment of teaching and learning process carried out to determine the successful planning of teaching and learning activities that have been developed and implemented. Assessment is defined as the process that determines how well the organization programs or activities implemented to achieve the purposes specified. The main objective evaluation in teaching and learning is to obtain accurate information regarding the level of achievement of instructional objectives by students, so that follow-up study will be pursued and implemented. Thus, carrying out assessment of the learning process is part of the assignment of teachers to be executed after learning activities take place in order to determine the success rate of students achieve the learning objectives, so it can be pursued follow-up results of student learning.
D. Social Competence Social competence of teachers include: the ability to communicate with people, socialize and serve the community well, encourage and support the creativity of society, keeping emotions and behaviors that are less good, and put themselves in accordance with the duties and functions both in school and in society. The ability of teachers to socialize, are also included in the framework of the character of social competence. Teachers should be able to communicate and interact with learners, colleagues, and society. Through social competencies expected of teachers to gain the sympathy, empathy, and community involvement to support and promote education in the area where she taught. In the life of the society, nation and the state as a whole, the teacher is a strategic element as a member, agent, and educator community. As a member of the community for teachers serving as role models for people in surrounding both his personal life and family life. As a public agency, the teacher acts as mediator (mediator) between the community and the world of education especially in schools. In this connection, the teacher will lead and develop a variety of educational efforts in school to life in society, and also bring life in the community to the school. Furthermore, as a community educator, along with other teachers play the role of the community to develop a variety of educational efforts that can support the attainment of quality education. Based on the above, profesioanalitas teachers is a must in order to become a good image of the teacher. Mastery of teacher competence is one effort to improve the professionalism of teachers, which ultimately led to the increasing image of teachers. Mastery of these competencies can be acquired through exchange kawruh with peers, self-empowerment in the forum MGMP (Deliberation Teacher Lesson) or follow the education profession.

IV.PENUTUP The position of teachers as one of the profession must be recognized in public life. Teachers must be recognized as a profession is aligned with other professions, such as doctors, judges, prosecutors, accountants, designers, and architecture. As a profession, teachers must have a standard so that the image of teacher competence is maintained. Competence in question is a pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. In addition, in attitude and behavior, the teacher must always be guided by the Code of Ethics Teacher Indonesia.

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