computer history

Computer understanding
Computers are tools used to process the data according to the procedure have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without assistive devices, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself. Originally, the processing of information is almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.

In this definition there are tools such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all are contemporary electronic computers. The term is better suitable for a broad sense such as "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing system."
Today, computers are becoming more sophisticated. However, before the computer is not as small, sophisticated, cool and light as now. In the history of computers, there are 5 generations of computer history. 1.1.0 Generation of Computers 1.1.1 First Generation
With the onset of the Second World War, the countries involved in the war sought to develop computers to exploit their potential strategic computer. This increased funding for computer development projects hastened technical progress. In 1941, Konrad Zuse, a German engineer to build a computer, the Z3, to design airplanes and missiles.
Allies also made other progress in the development of computer power. In 1943, the British completed a secret code-breaking computer called Colossus to decode secret German messages. The Colossus's impact affecting the development of the computer industry because of two reasons. First, the Colossus is not a versatile computer (general-purpose computer), it was only designed to decode secret messages. Secondly, the existence of the machine was kept secret until decades after the war ended.
The work done by the Americans at that time produced a broader achievement. Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), a Harvard engineer working with IBM, succeeded in producing electronic calculators for the U.S. Navy. The calculator is a length of half a football field away and has a range of 500 miles of cable. The Harvard-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, or Mark I, an electronic relay computer. He uses electromagnetic signals to move the mechanical components. The machine was slow (taking 3-5 seconds per calculation) and inflexible (in order of calculations can not be changed). The calculator can perform basic arithmetic and more complex equations.
The development of other computers on the present is the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), which is made by the cooperation between the governments of the United States and the University of Pennsylvania. Consisting of 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors and 5 million soldered joints, the computer is a machine that consumes enormous power of 160kW.
This computer was designed by John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) and John W. Mauchly (1907-1980), ENIAC is a versatile computer (general-purpose computers) that work 1000 times faster than Mark I.
In the mid-1940s, John von Neumann (1903-1957) joined the University of Pennsylvania team, initiating concepts in computer design is up to 40 years is still used in computer engineering. Von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) in 1945 with a good memory to hold data or programs. This technique allows the computer to stop at some point and then resume her job back. The key factor von Neumann architecture is the central processing unit (CPU), which allowed all computer functions to be coordinated through a single source. In 1951, UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) made by Remington Rand, became the first commercial computer to use the Von Neumann architecture model.
Both the United States Census Bureau and General Electric have a UNIVAC. One of the impressive results achieved by the UNIVAC dalah success in predicting victory Dwilight D. Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential election.
First generation computers were characterized by the fact that operating instructions were made specifically for a particular task. Each computer has a different binary code of a program called "machine language" (machine language). This causes the computer is difficult to be programmed and the speed limit. Another feature is the use of first generation computer vacuum tube (which makes the computer at that time are very large) and magnetic cylinders for the storage of data. 1.1.2 Second Generation
In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the development of computers. The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in televisions, radios, and computers. As a result, the size of electric machines is reduced drastically.
The transistor used in computers began in 1956. Other findings in the form of magnetic-core memory to help the development of second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than its predecessor. The first machine to utilize this new technology is a supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputers, Stretch and Sprery-Rand named LARC. These computers, which were developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability that is needed by atomic scientists. The machine was very expensive and tend to be too complex for business computing needs, thereby limiting their attractiveness. There are only two LARC ever installed and used: one at the Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, Calif., and the other in the U.S. Navy Research and Development Center in [[Washington, DC Second-generation computers replaced machine language with assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses abbreviations to replace the binary code.
In the early 1960s, began to appear successful second generation computers in business, in universities and in government. The second generation of computers is a fully computer using transistors. They also have components that can be associated with the computer at this time: a printer, storage disks, memory, operating system, and programs.
One important example of the computer at this time was the IBM 1401 which is widely accepted in the industry. In 1965, almost all large businesses use computers to process the second generation of financial information.
Program stored in the computer and programming language that is in it gives flexibility to the computer. Flexibility is increased performance at a reasonable price for business use. With this concept, the computer can print invoices and then run the consumer purchases the product design or calculate payroll. Some programming languages ​​began to appear at that time. Programming language Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) and FORTRAN (Formula Translator) came into common use. These languages ​​replaced cryptic binary machine code with words, sentences, and math formulas more easily understood by humans. This allows a person to program and set the computer. Various New types of careers (programmer, systems analyst, and computer systems expert). Software industry also began to emerge and evolve during this second-generation computers. 1.1.3 Third Generation
Although the transistors in many respects the vacuum tube, but transistors generate substantial heat, which could potentially damage the internal parts of a computer. Quartz stone (quartz rock) eliminates this problem. Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. IC combined three electronic components in a small silicon disc made of quartz sand. Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip called a semiconductor. The result, computers became ever smaller as more components can be squeezed onto the chip. Other third-generation development is the use of the operating system (operating system) that allows the machine to run many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory. 1.1.4 Fourth Generation
After IC, the only place to go was down the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components on a chip. In the 1980's, the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) contains thousands of components in a single chip.
Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) increased the number into the millions. Ability to install so many components in a chip that berukurang half coins encourage lower prices and the size of the computer. It also increased power, efficiency and reliability. Intel 4004 chip that was made in 1971 to bring progress to the IC by putting all the components of a computer (central processing unit, memory, and control input / output) in a very small chip. Previously, the IC is made to do a certain task specific. Now, a microprocessor could be manufactured and then programmed to meet all the requirements. Soon, every household devices like microwave ovens, televisions, and automobiles with electronic fuel injection (EFI) is equipped with a microprocessor.
Such developments allow ordinary people to use a regular computer. Computers no longer be a dominant big companies or government agencies. In the mid-1970s, computer assemblers offer their computer products to the general public. These computers, called minicomputers, sold with software packages that are easy to use by the layman. The software is most popular at the time was word processing and spreadsheet programs. In the early 1980s, such as the Atari 2600 video game consumer interest for more sophisticated home computer and can be programmed. In 1981, IBM introduced the use of Personal Computer (PC) for use in homes, offices, and schools. The number of PCs used
jumped from 2 million units in 1981 to 5.5 million units in 1982. Ten years later, 65 million PCs in use. Computers continued evolution towards smaller sizes, from computers that are on the table (desktop computer) into a computer that can be inserted into the bag (laptop), or even a computer that can be hand held (palmtop).
IBM PC to compete with the Apple Macintosh in the fight over the computer market. Apple Macintosh became famous for popularizing the graphical system on his computer, while his rival was still using a text-based computer. Macintosh also popularized the use of mouse devices.
At the present time, we know the journey with the use of IBM compatible CPU: IBM PC/486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV (series of CPUs made by Intel). Also we know AMD K6, Athlon, etc.. This is all included in the class of fourth-generation computers.
Along with the proliferation of computer usage in the workplace, new ways to explore the potential to be developed. Along with the increased strength of a small computer, these computers can be connected together in a network to share a memory, software, information, and also to be able to communicate with each other. The computer network allows a single computer to form electronic co-operation to complete an assignment process. By using direct cabling (also called a Local Area Network or LAN), or telephone cable, the network can become very large. 1.1.5 Fifth Generation
Defining the fifth generation computer becomes quite difficult because this stage is still very young. Examples are the fifth generation computer imaginative fictional HAL9000 computer from the novel by Arthur C. Clarke titled 2001: Space Odyssey. HAL displays all the desired functions of a fifth-generation computer. With artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence or AI), the HAL may have enough reason to do percapakan with humans, using visual feedback, and learn from his own experience.
Although it may be the realization of the HAL9000 is still far from reality, many of the functions that had been established. Some computers can receive verbal instructions and are able to mimic human reasoning. The ability to translate a foreign language also becomes possible. This facility is deceptively simple. However, such facilities become much more complicated than expected when programmers realized that human understanding relies heavily on context and meaning rather than just translate the words directly.
Many advances in the field of computer design and technology enables the creation semkain fifth-generation computers. Two engineering advances which are mainly parallel processing capabilities, which will replace the non-Neumann model. Non Neumann model will be replaced with a system that
able to coordinate a lot of CPU to work in unison. Another advancement is the superconducting technology that enables the flow of electrically without any obstacles, which in turn can accelerate the speed of information. Japan is a country well known in the jargon of socialization and projects
fifth generation computers. LembagaICOT (Institute for New Computer Technology) was also formed to make it happen. Many news stating that the project has failed, but some other information that the success of this fifth-generation computer project will bring new changes computing paradigm in the world. Reference: -Http: / / / wiki / Sejarah_komputer CHAPTER 2 Converting Numbers 2.0.0 Definition
In the computer world we recognize four types of numbers, that says binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Binary numbers or binary digits (bits) is a number that consists of 1 and 0. Octal number consisting of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7. While decimal comprising 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. And consists of hexadecimal numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E and F. Binary Octal Decimal Hexadesima
Table 2.0.0 2.1.0 Inter-Base Conversion of Numbers
Already known, in computer languages ​​there are four base numbers. The fourth number is a binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. The four numbers were related to one another. Formula or how to find it fairly easy to learn. Conversion from decimal to a non-decimal, just look for the rest of the division only. And conversion of non-decimal to decimal is: 1. Multiplying the number by number basis bilangannya.
2. Any number of value units, calculated with the rank of ZERO (0). Tens digit, with the rank of ONE (1), as well as the digits hundreds, thousands, and so on. Rank value is always increased by one point. 2.1.1 Converting Decimal to Binary Conversion from decimal to binary, by division, and the results
from the division that is the end value. Example: 10 (10) =...... (2) Solution: 10 divided by 2 = 5, remainder = 0. 5 divided by 2 = 2, remainder = 1. 2 divided by 2 = 1, remainder = 0. I read it starts from the final result, leading to the above, 1010. 2.1.2 Binary to Octal Conversion Almost the same conversion method. Just because pengelompokkannya
based on 3 bits, then the result is: 1010 (2) =...... (8) Solution: Take the first three digits backward. 010 (2) = 2 (8) While the rest of the single digit, it is worth 1. The end result is: 12. 2.1.3 Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
The conversion method is similar to Binary to Octal. However pengelompokkannya number of 4 bits. Four groups of right-most bit is the position of the unit, four bits a second from the right are dozens, and so on. Example: 11100011 (2) =...... (16)
Solution: the rightmost bits: 0011 = 3 the next bit: 1110 = E The results of conversion are: E3 (16) 2.1.4 Binary to Decimal Conversion
Means or method is slightly different. Example: 10 110 (2) =......( 10) broken down into: (1x24) + (0x23) + (1x22) + (1x21) + (0x20) = 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 22
Number 2 in the multiplication is the basis of its binary. While the rank order, indicating the rank of 0 is a unit, rank 1 is the tens, and so on. 2.1.5 Converting Octal to Binary Actually, for the conversion of this base, it should be a little memorizing tables The main conversions that are on the top page. But can be studied with
easy. And take three binary only. Example: 523 (8) =...... (2) Solution: By looking at the main table, the results obtained are:
3 = 011 2 = 010 5 = 101 Ordering numbers are still based on the positions of the units, tens and hundreds. Result: 101010011 (2) 2.1.6 Converting Hexadecimal to Binary The method and manner quite similar to the conversion Octal to Binary. Only
pengelompokkannya as many as four bits. As in the main table. Example: 2A (16) =......( 2) Solution: A = 1010 2 = 0010 Results: 101 010 (2). Of note, the number "0" at the front do not have to be written. 2.1.7 Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal There are ways and methods, but for some people is relatively confusing. The easiest way is, first convert from decimal to
binary, then convert from binary to hexadecimal. Example: 75 (10) =......( 16) Solution: 75 divided by 16 = 4 remainder 11 (11 = B). And the conversion results: 4B (16) 2.1.8 Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal The trick is almost the same as the conversion from binary to decimal. However, numbers
the base is 16. Example: 4B (16) =......( 10) Solution: With reference to the main table, B can be written with the value "11". (4x161) + (11x160) = 64 + 11 = 75 (10) 2.1.9 Decimal to Octal Conversion
The trick is similar to decimal to hexadecimal conversion. Example: 25 (10) =......( 8) Solution: 25 divided by 8 = 3 remainder 1. The result can be written: 31 (8) 2.1.10 Converting Octal to Decimal The method is similar to the conversion of hexadecimal to decimal. Can
followed by examples below: 31 (8) =......( 10) Solution: (3x81) + (1x80) = 24 + 1 = 25 (10) Reference: -Http: CHAPTER 3 I / O Device 3.0.0 Definition Unit Input / Output (I / O) is part of the system microprocessor used by the microprocessor is to get in touch with the outside world.
Input unit is the outdoor unit that is used to enter data from the outside in this microprocessor, for example data coming from the keyboard or mouse. While the output units typically used to display data, or in other words to capture data transmitted by the microprocessor, for example data to be displayed on the monitor screen or printer.
Input section (input) and outputs (output) this also requires a control signal, among other things to read I / O (Input / Ouput Read [IOR]) and to write I / O (Input / Output Write [IOW]).
I / O ports, which means the gate connector Input / Output on a computer, such as the keyboard, mouse, parallel / serial or USB. Provides connections for external devices such as digital cameras, printers and scanners. 3.1.0 Example I / O Device 3.1.1 Keyboard
Keyboard (English: the keyboard) or a keyboardist is a device for typing or entering letters, numbers, or symbols specific to the software or the operating system run by computers.
Keyboard consists of square buttons with letters, numbers, or symbols printed on it. In some operating systems, if two keys pressed simultaneously, it will bring up the special functions or shortcuts that have been set previously.
There are different types of layout of keys on the keyboard. However, the most popular and commonly used is the QWERTY layout, the system mimics the layout of the typewriter.
New type of keyboard usually has extra buttons above the function keys (F1, F2, etc..) To simplify the user in operating a computer. In addition, the new keyboard also has a lot of that support wireless technology. 3.1.2 Mouse
Mouse is a tool used to enter data into a computer other than the keyboard. Mouse to obtain a name such as protruding wires shaped like rats [1].
Mouse was first made in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart made from wood with a single button. The second model is equipped with 3 buttons. In 1970, Douglas Engelbart introduced the mouse can find the XY position on a computer screen, the mouse is known as the XY Position Indicator (XY position indicator).
The most common form of the mouse has two buttons, one each in the top left and top right that can be pressed. However, computer-based Macintosh computers typically use one-button mouse.
Mouse works by capturing the movement using the ball touches the surface hard and flat. More modern mouse is not using the ball again, but using an optical beam to detect motion. In addition, some are already using wireless technology, both based radio, infrared, or Bluetooth.
Currently, the latest technology already allows the mouse to use laser system so that the resolution can be up to 2,000 dots per inch (dpi), one can even reach 4800 dots per inch. Usually the mouse model is for fans of video games. 3.1.3 Printer
Printer or printer is a tool that displays data in printed form, either text or images / graphics, on paper. Printers are usually divided into several parts, the picker as a tool to take paper from the tray. Is a place to put the paper tray. Ink or toner is a real printer, because there is something called the ink or toner used to write on paper. The difference is the difference in toner and ink system; or laser toner needed to warm up, while the ink or inkjet does not need heating, just cleaning or cleaning of the print-head printer.
There is also a flexible cable for the transmission of signals from the processor to the printer ink or toner. These cables are thin and flexible, yet powerful. On the back of the printer there is usually a parallel or USB port for connecting to a computer.
Printer Modem is a powerful tool. Perkakasan electronics contained in a printer with an electronic perkakasan contained within the computer itself. Printer has 6 types, namely type Dot-Matrix, Daisy Wheel type, the type of Ink-Jet / Bubble Jet type, chain type, the type of drum and Laser type. Scaner 3.1.4
The scanner or scanner is a device used to scan a form and nature of objects, such as documents, images, waves, temperature and others. The results of the scan it will generally be transformed into a computer as digital data. There are several types of the scanner depends on the
usability and how it works, among others: - Scanner image - Barcode scanner - X-ray scanner - Check scanner - Metal scanner - Scanner Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Among these types of scanners, image scanners are the most often referred to as a scanner.
Like the OMR scanner, image scanner can also be used as a scanner answer sheets Computers (LJK). For this to be achieved, it takes a software technology with Digital Mark Reader (DMR). When grouped by inserting the paper, the scanner image consists of two types, namely: 1. Flatbed
On Flatbed scanner images, the paper placed on the scanner glass, then the lights and the scanner sensor will move down the paper to get the picture. 2. Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
In the image scanner Automatic Document Feeder (ADF), the paper is placed on the tray / tray, and then one by one paper will be entered by the mechanical scanner with a pad and roller assy. By the time the paper moves over the light scanner, the scanner sensor works to obtain images representing the paper. Advantage scanner Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) is: - High speed, can reach> 10,000 sheets per hour - Can read both sides of paper at once at the same time - With the imprinter, the scanner can give you a sign in sheet been scanned - Perfect paired with a software tech Digital Mark Reader as well as to - archiving and document management Reference: -Http: CHAPTER 4 Storage 4.0.0 Definition
Storing computer data, derived from English "computer data storage" is often referred to as computer memory, refers to computer components, computer equipment, and recording media that retain digital data used for some time interval. Computer data storage provides one of the three core functions of modern computers, which retain information. He is one of the fundamental components found in all modern computers, and has associated with the microprocessor, and a computer model used since the 1940s.
In contemporary usage, refers to a form of computer memory storage medium made from semiconductors, known as Random Access Memory (RAM), and sometimes in another form which is faster but can only store data temporarily. However, the term "computer storage" now generally refers to mass storage media, which can include optical discs, some form of magnetic storage media (such as hard disks), and types of other storage media which is slower than RAM, but it has the properties more permanent, such as flash memory Reference: -Http: Memory Memory is the generic term for data storage in computers.
Some types of memory used is as follows: - Register processors - RAM or Random Access Memory - Cache Memory (SRAM) (Static RAM) - Physical Memory (DRAM) (Dynamic RAM) - Magnetic disk-based storage devices - Optical disk-based storage devices - Which can be read only memory or ROM (Read Only Memory) - Flash Memory - Punched Card (ancient) - CD or Compact Disk - DVD
In talking about computer architectures such as the von Neumann architecture, for example, memory capacity and speed are distinguished by using the memory hierarchy. The hierarchy is composed of the fastest type of memory to the slowest; arranged from the smallest to the largest capacity capacity; and sorted out the price of every bit of his memory from very high (expensive) to the lowest (cheapest). Processor registers
Processor registers in computer architecture, is a small amount of computer memory that works with very high speeds are used to perform the execution of computer programs by providing rapid access to the values ​​commonly used. Generally the values ​​commonly used are the values ​​that are being executed within a certain time.
Processor registers stood at its highest level in memory hierarchy: this means that speed is the fastest; capacity is the smallest, and the price of each is the highest bits. Registers are also used as the most rapid in the computer system to perform data manipulation. Registers are generally measured in bits that can be accommodated by it, such as "8-bit register", "16-bit register", "32-bit registers," or "register 64-bit" and others.
Registers the current term can refer to a collection of registers that can be indexed directly to the input / output of an instruction that is defined by a set of instructions. for this term, is used the word "Register Architecture". For example, Intel's x86 instruction set defines a set of eight registers with a size of 32-bit, but the CPU that implements the x86 instruction set may contain more than eight 32-bit registers. Type registers Register is divided into several classes: Register data, which is used to store numbers in the numbers rounded (integer). Address registers, which are used to store memory addresses and also to access the memory. General purpose registers, which can be used to store numbers and addresses at once. Floating-point registers, which are used for storing numbers floating point numbers (floating-point).
Register constants (constant registers), which is used to store numbers remain that can only be read (read-only), a sort of phi, null, true, false, and others. Vector registers, which are used to store the results of vector processing performed by the SIMD processor. Special purpose registers that can be used to store internal data processors, as well as the instruction pointer, stack pointer, and status registers.
Register specific to the machine model (machine-specific registers), in some specific architecture, used to store data or settings related to the processor itself. Because the meaning of each register directly incorporated into the design of a particular processor, the register may not be a standard type between processor generations. Register size Register Processors 4-bit Intel 4004 8-bit Intel 8080 16-bit Intel 8086, Intel 8088, Intel 80286 32-bit
Intel 80386, Intel 80486, Intel Pentium Pro, Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium 2, Pentium 3, Intel Pentium 4, Intel Celeron, Intel Xeon, AMD K5, AMD K6, AMD Athlon, AMD Athlon MP, AMD Athlon XP, AMD Athlon 4, AMD Duron, AMD Sempron 64-bit
Intel Itanium, Intel Itanium 2, Intel Xeon, Intel Core, Intel Core 2, AMD Athlon 64, AMD Athlon X2, AMD Athlon FX, AMD Turion 64, AMD Turion X2, AMD Sempron RAM
Random access memory (English: Random access memory, RAM) is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed in any order that the data in memory. This contrasts with the serial memory devices, such as magnetic tapes, disks and drums, in which the mechanical movement of the storage media to force the computer to access data sequentially.
First recognized in 60'an. Only when the semiconductor memory has not been popular because the price is very expensive. It was more common to use magnetic main memory. Semiconductor companies such as Intel debuted with manufacture of RAM, more precisely the type of DRAM.
Usually RAM can be written and read, as opposed to memory-read-only (read-only-memory, ROM), RAM is usually used for primary storage (main memory) in a computer to use and modify the information actively, although some tools use some type of RAM to provide long-term secondary storage.
But there is also the opinion that the ROM is another type of RAM, because it is actually random access such as SRAM or DRAM. Only, indeed the process of writing the ROM requires a special process that is not as easy and flexible as well as in SRAM or DRAM. In addition some parts of the address space of RAM (main memory) of a system that is mapped into one or two chip ROM. Common types of RAM - SRAM or Static RAM - NV-RAM or the Non-Volatile RAM
- DRAM or Dynamic RAM - Fast Page Mode DRAM - EDO RAM or Extended Data Out DRAM - XDR DRAM - SDRAM or Synchronous DRAM - DDR SDRAM or Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM now (2005) began replaced by DDR2 - RDRAM or Rambus DRAM RAM type is not common - Dual-ported RAM - Video RAM, dual-port memory with a random access ports and one port sequential access. He became popular as more and more people need video memory. See explanation in Dynamic RAM. - WRAM - MRAM - FeRAM Manufacturers of top-ranked RAM
- Infineon - Hynix - Samsung - Micron - Rambus - Corsair ROM
Read-only Memory (ROM) is an English term for computer data storage medium. ROM stands for Read-Only Memory, ROM is one of the computer's available memory. ROM is usually permanent, meaning the program / data that is stored in ROM is not easily lost or changed while power failure.
Store data in ROM can not be done easily, but reading data from ROM can be done easily. Usually the program / data contained in ROM is filled by the manufacturers who make them. Because of these properties, the ROM is used to store the firmware (software that is closely related to hardware).
One example is the ROM BIOS ROM that contains the basic program computer system that was set up / prepare all equipment / components in the computer when the computer is turned on.
Modern ROM found in the form of ICs, just as the storage medium / other memory such as RAM. To distinguish it needs to read the text that are listed on its IC. Usually starts with 27xxx number, number 27 indicates the type of ROM, xxx indicates the capacity in kilo bits (not kilo bytes). Mask ROM
Data in ROM is inserted directly through a mask during chip assembly. This makes it very economical, especially if we produce in large quantities. But it also becomes very expensive because it is not flexible.
A change of even just one bit requires a new mask which of course is not cheap. Because it is not flexible so rarely use it other lagi.Aplikasi similar to the ROM is a prerecorded CD-ROM
familiar with us, one of music CDs. Contrary to the opinion of many people that the CD-ROM is written with a laser, the reality of data on CD-ROM more precisely printed on plastic dishes. Types of ROM
- Mask ROM - PROM - EPROM - EAROM - EEPROM - Flash Memory Flash memory
Flash memory is a type of EEPROM that allows a lot of memory locations to be deleted or written in one programming operation. Its lay terms, he is a form of memory chip that can be written, unlike the random access memory chips / RAM, this memory can store data without the need for electricity supply. This memory is typically used in memory cards, USB flash drive (USB flash drives), MP3 players, digital cameras, and mobile phones. CD-ROM
CD-ROM (an abbreviation of Compact Disc - Read Only Memory) is a compact disc of the type of optical disk (optical disc) that can store data. The size of data that can be saved today can achieve 700MB or 700 million bytes.
CD-ROM is read only (only readable and not writeable). To be able to read the contents of the CD-ROM, the main tool needed is a CD Drive. Recent developments allow the CD-ROM writable CD repeatedly (Re Write / RW), better known by the name of the CD-RW. CD-RW Compact Disk Rewritable CD-RW is abbreviated as CD-ROM that can be
write back. CD-RW media using the same size as a CD-R. but instead of using a cyanine dye or pthalocyanine, CD-RW uses a blend of metallic silver, indium, antimony, and telurrium to the recording layer.
CD-RW drive uses a laser with three different power. At high power, laser melt metal alloys, which transform it from a high reflectivity crystalline state into an amorphous condition refletivitas to resemble a pit. In the medium, metal alloy melts and turns back in its natural crystalline state to become land again. At low power, state / condition of the material examined (for reading), but there is no phase transition happens. CD-RW discs are relatively more expensive than CD-R discs DVD
DVD is a kind of optical disc that can be used to store data, including movies with video and audio quality better than VCD quality. "DVD" was originally stands for digital video discs, but some parties want to be replaced stands for digital versatile disc (digital versatile disc) to be clear that this format is not just for video only. Since the consensus between the two sides can not be achieved, now its official name is "DVD", and the letters are "official" is not short for anything. There is also software that allows users to reserve (backup) your own DVD like DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. Motherboard
The motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in some complex electronic systems, such as the modern personal computer. Motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as a mainboard, system board, or, on Apple computers, the logic board. It is also sometimes abbreviated as mobo. History
Before the advent of the microprocessor, the computer is usually built into the card-cage case or mainframe with components connected by a backplane consisting of a series of slots themselves connected with wires; in very old design of discrete wire connections between card connector pins, but the board
printed circuit soon become standard practice. The central processing unit, memory and peripherals are located on the printed circuit is plugged into the backplane individually.
In the late 1980s and the 1990s, became economical to move the more peripheral functions onto the motherboard (see below). In the late - 1980s, motherboards began to include single ICs (called Super I / O chips) capable of supporting a set of low-speed peripherals: keyboard, mouse, floppy disk drives, serial ports and parallel ports. Until the late 1990s, many personal computer motherboards support a complete audio, video, storage, and networking functions without the need for any expansion cards at all; higher-end systems for 3D gaming and graphics computer graphics card is usually only maintained as a separate component.
Early pioneers of motherboard manufacturing Micronics, Mylex, AMI, DTK, Hauppauge, Orchid Technology, Elitegroup, DFI, and a number of Taiwan-based manufacturers.
Popular personal computers such as the Apple II and IBM PC had published schematic diagrams and other documentation which permitted rapid reverse-engineering and third-party replacement motherboards. Usually intended to build a new computer that is compatible with the examples, many motherboards offered additional performance or other features and used to upgrade the original equipment manufacturer.
The term mainboard is archaically applied to the device with one board and no additional or expansion capabilities. In modern terms this would include embedded systems, and control the board in televisions, washing machines etc. motherboard specifically refer to the printed circuit with the ability to add / expand / performance capabilities with the addition of "daughterboards". Glance
Most computer motherboards produced today are designed for IBM-compatible computers, which currently reaches about 90% of global PC sales. A motherboard, like a backplane, provides the electrical connection in which the other components of the system communicate, but unlike a backplane, it also hosts the central processing unit, and other subsystems and devices. The motherboard also used in many other electronic devices such as phone, stop-watch, clock, and other small electronic devices. A typical desktop computer has a microprocessor, main memory, and
Another important component on the motherboard. Other components such as external storage, controllers for video display and sound, and peripheral devices may be attached to the motherboard as a plug-in card or via cable, although modern computers is increasingly common to integrate some of the peripherals to the motherboard itself.
An important component of the motherboard chipset is supporting a microprocessor, which provides a support interface between the CPU and the various components and the external bus. The chipset determines, to a thing, features and capabilities of the motherboard. Modern motherboards include, at least: socket (or slot) in which one or more microprocessors mounted slots to the system main memory is installed (usually in the form DIMM modules containing DRAM chips) a chipset which forms an interface between the CPU's front-side bus, main memory, and device bus non-volatile memory chips (usually Flash ROM in modern motherboards) which contains the system firmware or BIOS a clock generator that generates the system clock signal to synchronize the various components slots for expansion cards (these interface to the system via the buses supported by the chipset)
blinking power connector, which receives electrical power from the computer's power supply and distribute it to the CPU, chipset, main memory, and expansion cards. CPU socket
A CPU socket or slot is the electrical components attached to printed circuit boards (PCBs) and designed to house CPUs (also called microprocessors). This is a special type of integrated circuit sockets are designed for very high pin count. A CPU socket provides various functions, including providing a physical structure to support the CPU, providing support for the heat sink, facilitating the replacement (as well as reducing costs) and most importantly establish a good electrical interface with the CPU and the PCB. CPU socket can most often be found in most desktop and server computers (laptops typically use surface mount CPU), especially those based on Intel's x86 architecture on the motherboard. Integrated peripherals With the steadily declining costs and
size of integrated circuits, it is now possible to include support for many peripherals on the motherboard. By combining multiple functions on one PCB, the physical size and total system costs can be reduced; highly-integrated motherboards are thus very popular in small form factor computers and budget.
For example, the ECS RS485M-M, [6] a typical modern budget motherboard for computers based on AMD processors, has on-board support an enormous variety of devices: disk controllers for floppy disk drives, up to 2 PATA drives, and up to with 6 SATA drives (including RAID 0 / 1 support) integrated ATI Radeon graphics controller supporting 2D and 3D graphics, with VGA and TV output Integrated sound card supports 8-channel (7.1) audio and S / PDIF output Fast Ethernet network controller for 10/100 Mbit networking USB 2.0 controller supporting up to 12 USB ports IrDA controller for infrared data communication (eg with IrDA enabled Cellular Phone or Printer) temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors software possible to monitor the health of computer components
Expansion card to support all these functions would cost hundreds of dollars even a decade ago, but as April 2007 as a high integrated motherboards are available for as little as $ 30 in the United States. Peripheral card slots
Typical motherboard of 2009 will have a number of connections that vary depending on the standard. Standard ATX motherboards typically have 1x PCI-E 16x connection for a graphics card, 2x PCI slots for various expansion cards and 1x PCI-E 1x which will eventually replace PCI.
Standard Super ATX motherboard will have 1x PCI-E 16x connection for graphics cards. Will also have a number of different PCI and PCI-E 1x slot. Sometimes it can also have a PCI-E 4x slot. This varies between brands and models.
Some motherboards have 2x PCI-E 16x slot, to allow more than 2 monitors without special hardware or to allow the use of special graphics technology called SLI (for nVidia) and Crossfire (for ATI). This allows for two graphics cards connected together, to allow better performance in task-intensive graphical computing tasks, such as gaming and video-editing.
As of 2007 almost all motherboards come with at least 4x USB ports on the back, with a minimum of two connections on the internal board for additional wiring the front ports are built into the computer case. Ethernet is also included now. This is a standard network cable to connect your computer to a network or modem. A sound chip is always included on the motherboard, to allow the sound to be output without requiring additional components. This allows computers to be much more multimedia based than before. Now the cheap machines often have a graphics chip built into the motherboard, rather than a separate card. Temperature and reliability
Motherboards are generally air-cooled heat sinks are often mounted on larger chips, such as Northbridge, modern motherboards. If the motherboard is not cooled properly, it can cause the computer to crash. Passive cooling, or a fan mounted in power supply, is sufficient for many desktop computer CPUs until the late 1990s; since then, most require a CPU fan mounted on a heat sink, because increase in clock speed and power consumption. Most motherboards have connectors for additional case fans as well. Newer motherboards have integrated temperature sensors to detect motherboard and CPU temperatures, and controllable fan connectors which the BIOS or the operating system that can be used to adjust the fan speed. Some high-powered computer (which usually have high performance processors and large amounts of RAM, and high performance video card) using a water cooling system instead of many fans.
Several small form factor computers and home theater PCs designed for quiet and energy efficient fan-less design boasts. This usually requires the use of low-power CPU, as well as careful layout of the motherboard and other components to allow the placement of heat sinks.
A 2003 study found that some fake computer crashes and general reliability issues, ranging from screen image distortions to I / O read / write errors, can not be attributed to software or hardware, but for the aging capacitors on PC motherboards. Finally it is shown as a result of faulty electrolyte formulation.
Motherboards use electrolytic capacitors to filter the DC power distributed around the board. Age this capacitor at a rate dependent on temperature, as water based electrolytes slowly evaporate. This can lead to loss of capacitance and subsequent motherboard malfunctions due to voltage instability. While most capacitors rated
for 2000 hours of operation at 105 ° C, the design of their expected life doubles for every 10 ° C below. At 45 ° C lifetime of 15 years can be expected. This seems plausible for the computer's motherboard, but many manufacturers have delivered substandard capacitors, the significantly reduced life expectancy. Inadequate case cooling and elevated temperatures easily exacerbate these problems.
It is possible, but tedious and time consuming, to find and replace failed capacitors on PC motherboards; it is cheaper to buy a new motherboard than to pay for repairs. Form factor
Motherboards are produced in various sizes and shapes, some of which are specific to each computer manufacturer. However, the motherboards used in IBM-compatible computers commodities have been standardized to meet a variety of case sizes. As of 2007 most desktop computer motherboards use one of these standard form factors-even those found in Macintosh and Sun computers that have not traditionally been built from commodity components.
Laptop computers generally use highly integrated, miniaturized, and customized motherboards. This is one reason that laptops are difficult to upgrade and expensive to repair. Often the failure of one laptop component requires the replacement of the entire motherboard, which is usually more expensive than desktop motherboards because of the many components that are integrated. Nvidia SLI and ATI Crossfire
Nvidia SLI and ATI CrossFire technology enables two or more of the same series graphics cards connected together to allow faster graphics processing capabilities. Nearly all medium-to high-end nVidia cards and most high-end ATI cards support the technology.
They both need a compatible motherboard. There is a clear need 2x PCI-E 16x slots to allow two cards to be inserted into the computer. The same function can be achieved in the NVIDIA 650i motherboard, with a pair of x8 slots. Initially, the tri-Crossfire at 8x speed achieved with two 16x slots and one 8x slot, although with a slower speed. ATI's technology opens up with Intel in 2006, and the all new Intel chipsets now support Crossfire.
SLI needs a little more exclusive. It requires a motherboard with Nvidia nForce chipset series itself to allow it to run (exception: select Intel X58 chipset based motherboard).
It is important to note that SLI and Crossfire usually will not scale to 2x the performance of a single card when using a dual setup. They also do not double the number of effective or VRAM memory bandwidth. Bootstrapping using the BIOS
The motherboard contains several non-volatile memory to initialize the system and load an operating system from some external peripheral devices. Microcomputers like the Apple II and IBM PC used ROM chips, mounted on a socket on the motherboard. At power-up, the central processor would load its program counter with the address of the boot ROM, and began to implement the instruction ROM, the system displays information on the screen and memory to run checks, which in turn will start loading memory from an external device or devices (disk drives). If not available, then the computer can perform tasks from other memory stores or displays an error message, depending on the model and the design of computer and BIOS version.
Most modern motherboard designs use a BIOS, stored in a EEPROM chip soldered to the motherboard, to bootstrap the motherboard. (Socketed BIOS chips are widely used, too.) By booting the motherboard, memory, circuits, and devices are tested and configured. This process is known as a computer Power-On Self Test (POST) and may include
testing some of the following devices: - Floppy drive - Network controller - CD-ROM drive - DVD-ROM drive - SCSI hard drives - IDE, EIDE, or SATA hard drives - External USB memory storage device Each of the above devices can be stored with machine code instructions for load an operating system or program. Reference: -Http: (computer) PSU
PSU is a component that supplies power to other components in the computer. More specifically, power supply unit is typically designed to convert a general-purpose alternating current (AC) from the main power (100-127V at
North America, parts of South America, Japan, and Taiwan; 220-240V in most of the world) to use low voltage DC power to the internal components of computers. Some power supplies that have no switches to switch between 230 V and 115 V. Other models have automatic sensors that switch input voltage automatically, or can accept a voltage between boundaries them.
The most common computer power supplies are built to conform to the ATX form factor. This enables different power supplies can be interchangeable with different components inside the computer. ATX power supply is also designed to turn on and off using a signal from the motherboard, and provides support for modern functions such as standby mode available on many computers. Latest specification as standard ATX PSU mid-2008 is version 2.31.
Note that some manufacturers, notably Compaq and Dell, has resulted in electricity supply using the same connectors as ATX but with different voltages on different pins; mismatch PSUs and motherboards as it can result in damage to one or both. Power rating
Assessed based on the computer's power supply maximum output power. Typical power range from 300 W to 500 W (lower than 300 W for Small form factor system) and is intended for ordinary home computers, limited use in the Internet-surfing and burn and play DVDs [citation needed]. Power supply is used by most gamers and enthusiasts range from 450 W to 1400 W. Typical features of the PC gaming power supplies in the range of 500-800 W, with higher PC demanding 800-1400 W inventory. The highest-end units up to 2 kW solid and is intended primarily for servers and, to a lesser extent, extreme performance computers with multiple processors, multiple hard disks and multiple graphics cards (ATI CrossFire or NVIDIA SLI). The power rating of a PC power supply that is not officially certified and claimed by each manufacturer themselves. [1] A common way to achieve power numbers for PC PSUs is to increase the power available on each rail, which will not give a true power figure. Therefore it is possible for an overload on a single rail PSU without having to use strength value maximum.
Sometimes manufacturers inflate their power ratings, in order to gain advantage in the marketplace. This can be done in the absence of clear standards for tagging and testing of power supplies. Some way main that be used is ... [2] * Advertising peak power, not power continuously;
* Determine the output power continuously is not realistic ability at low temperatures (at room temperature as opposed to 40 ° C, the more likely the temperature in in case PC); * Advertising the total power as a measure of capacity, when the modern system of nearly entirely dependent on the currently available from the 12 volt line (s). This may mean that if: * PSU A has a peak rating of 550 watts at 25 ° C, with 25 amp (300 W) on line 12 volts, and * PSU B has a continuous rating of 450 watts at 40 ° C, with 33 amp (400 W) on line 12 volts,
and the ratings are accurate, then the PSU B should be regarded as a very superior units, despite lower overall power rating. A PSU may only be able to send a portion of the rated power under conditions world real.
This trend has led in turn to the power supply is very overspecified recommendations and the lack of high-quality power supply with a reasonable capacity. Very few computers need more than 300-350 watts maximum. [2] such as a higher end computer servers and machines games with some high power GPU is among the few exceptions. Appearance
Most of the computer's power supply is a square metal box, and have a great bunch of wires emerging from one end. Contrary to the wire bundle is the face of power again, with air vents and C14 IEC connector for AC power supply. There may optionally be a power switch and / or voltage selector switch. A label on one side of the box lists technical information about the power supply, including safety Certifications maximum output power. Common for the safety certification mark is a sign of UL, GS mark, TÃœV, NEMKO, SEMKO, DEMKO, FIMKO, CCC, CSA, VDE, GOST R and BSMI. Common certificate for EMI / RFI is the CE mark, FCC and C-tick. CE mark is required to supply electricity sold in Europe and India. A RoHS or 80 PLUS can also sometimes be seen.
Dimension of an ATX power supply is 150 mm wide, 86 mm high, and usually the depth of 140 mm, although the depth can vary from brand to brand. [Edit] Connectors Various connector of PSU computer. Typically, supply power have connector follows:
* PC Main power connector (usually called P1): Is the connector to the motherboard to provide the power. Connectors have 20 or 24 pins. One belongs to pin PS-ON wire (usually green). This connector is the largest of all the connectors. On older AT power supplies, this connector is split in two: P8 and P9. A power supply with 24-pin connector can be used on motherboards with 20-pin connector. In cases where the motherboard has a 24-pin connector, some power supplies come with two connectors (one with 20-pin and the other with 4-pin) which can be used together to form connector 24-pin.
* 4-pin ATX 12V power connector (also called the power connector P4). The second connector that goes on the motherboard (besides the main 24-pin connector) for a special power supply for the processor. For high-end motherboards and processors, more power is needed, then it has an 8 pin EPS12V connector. * 4-pin peripheral power connector (usually called a Molex to manufacturer): This is another, smaller connectors that go to a variety of computer disk drives. Most of them have four wires: two black, one red and one yellow. Unlike the main electrical cable color code standards, each black wire is ground, red wire +5 V, and the yellow wire is 12 V. In some cases these are also used to provide additional power for PCI cards such as FireWire 800 card.
* 4-pin Berg power connector (usually called the Mini-Connector or "mini-Molex"): This is one of the smallest connectors that supply the floppy drive with power. In some cases, can be used as an extra connector for an AGP video card. Cable configuration similar to the peripheral connectors. * Auxiliary power connectors: There are several types of additional connectors designed to provide additional resources if needed.
* Serial ATA power connectors: a 15-pin connector for components which use SATA power plugs. This connector supplies power to the three voltage different: 3.3, 5, and 12 volts. * 6-pin power supply Most modern computers include a 6-pin connector
typically used for PCI Express graphics card, but the newly introduced 8-pin connector on the power supply must be seen models. Each PCI Express 6-pin connector can output a maximum of 75 W. * 6 2 pin For purposes of backward compatibility, some connectors are designed for use with PCI Express graphics card features pin configuration of this kind. This allows both the card 6-pin or 8-pin a card that is connected by using two separate connection module connected to the sheath together: one with 6 pins and the other with 2 pins. * A C14 IEC C13 connector with the proper cable is used for install the power supply to the local power grid. Processor Processor is often referred to as the brain and the central control computer
supported by other kompunen. Processor is an IC that controls the entire course of a computer system and used as a center or brain of the computer that functions to perform calculations and execute tasks. Processor socket located in the has been provided by the motherboard, and can be replaced with another processor provided in accordance with the existing socket on the motherboard. One very big influence on computer speed and capacity depending on the type of processor. The processor is a chip that is often called "Microprosessor" which is now
size is reached gigahertz (GHz). The measure is a count of the processor speed in processing the data or information. Brands are more outstanding dipasatan processor is AMD, Apple, VIA Cyrix, IBM, IDT, and Intel. Part of the most important part of the processor Processor is divided into three, namely:
• Aritcmatics Logical Unit (ALU) • Control Unit (CU) • Memory Unit (MU)
History of microprocessors Starting from here: 1971: 4004 Microprocessor
In 1971 comes the first microprocessor Intel 4004 microprocessor is used on the machine Busicom calculator. With this discovery opens the way to incorporate artificial intelligence in inanimate objects. 1972 : 8008 Microprocessor In 1972 comes the 8008 microprocessor that powered two-fold of predecessor namely 4004. 1974: 8080 Microprocessor Into the brain of a computer called the Altair, then sold about ten thousand in a month 1978: 8086-8088 Microprocessor
An important sales in computer division occurs on the products for personal computers made by IBM that uses a processor 8088 that managed to push up the name of intelligence. 1982: 286 Microprocessor Intel 286 or better known as 80 286 is a processor the first to recognize and use the software used for the previous processor. 1985: Intel386 ™ Microprocessor
Intel 386 is a processor that has an embedded diprosessor 275,000 transistors is that when compared with 4004 has a 100-fold more compared with 4004 1989: Intel486 ™ DX CPU Microprocessor
Processor is the first time allows a variety of applications that had to type command-command to be just a click, and has a complex mathematical functions so that decrease the workload on the processor. 1993 : Intel ® Pentium ® Processor The new generation of processors that can handle different types of data such as voice, sound, handwriting, and photographs. 1995: Intel ® Pentium ® Pro Processor
Processor is designed for use on server and workstation applications, which are made to process data quickly, this processor has an embedded 5.5 jt transistors. 1997: Intel ® Pentium ® II Processor
Pentium II processor that combines an Intel MMX processor designed specifically to process video data, audio, and graphics efficiently. There are 7.5 million transistors integrated in it so that the processor is a PC user can process a variety of data and using the internet with more good. 1998: Intel ® Pentium II Xeon ® Processor
Processor made for the needs of the application server. Intel's strategy was to fulfill that wish to provide a unique processor for a particular market. 1999: Intel ® Celeron ® Processor
Processor Intel Celeron processor which is issued as a processor intended for users who do not really need a faster processor performance for users who want to build a computer system with a budget (the price) that is not too large. Intel Celeron processor has the same shape and formfactor with an Intel Pentium type, but only with the instructions a little more, its L2 cache is smaller, the speed (clock speed) is slower, and cheaper than Intel processors Pentium types. With this release of the Intel Celeron processor back to a processor for a particular market. 1999: Intel ® Pentium ® III Processor
Pentium III processor is a processor with an added 70 new instructions that dramatically enhance the ability of high-level imaging, three-dimensional, audio streaming, and video applications as well as voice recognition. 1999: Intel ® Pentium ® III Xeon ® Processor
Intel re-penetrated the market of servers and workstations by issuing a series of Pentium III Xeon, but the type that has 70 SIMD command. The advantages of this processor is that it can speed up the processing of information from the system bus to the processor, which also significantly boosting performance. This processor is also designed to be combined with other similar processors. 2000: Intel ® Pentium ® 4 Processor
Processor Intel Pentium IV is a product that speeds up the process is able to penetrate the speed of 3.06 GHz. First time out with a 1.5GHz processor speed formafactor pin 423, then change the formfactor intel processor Intel Pentium 4 into the pin 478 which starts from an Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz speed to the latest which is currently capable of penetrating up to 3.4 GHz speed. 2001: Intel ® Xeon ® Processor
Intel Pentium 4 Xeon processor is an Intel Pentium 4 processors that are specific to act as a server computer. This processor has a number of pins more than the Intel Pentium 4 processor with memory and L2 cache that more large anyway. 2001: Intel ® Itanium ® Processor
Is the first Itanium-based 64-bit processor intended for usage on servers and workstations as well as specific users. This processor is made with a structure that is completely different from the previous design and technology based on Intel's Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing ( EPIC ). 2002: Intel ® Itanium ® 2 Processor Itanium 2 is the second generation of its Itanium family 2003: Intel ® Pentium ® M Processor
855 chipset, and Intel ® PRO / WIRELESS 2100 is a component of Intel ® Centrino ™. Intel Centrino are made to meet the market need for the existence of a computer that is easy to carry anywhere. 2004: Intel Pentium M processors 735/745/755
Equipped with the 855 chipset with new features 2Mb of L2 cache and 400MHz system bus processor socket compatibility with the Pentium M series before. 2004 : Intelligence E7520/E7320 Chipsets 7320/7520 can be used for dual processor with 800MHz configuration FSB, DDR2 400 memory, PCI Express peripherals and interfaces. 2005: Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition 3.73GHz
A processor that is intended for the market of computer users who want something more from their computers, the processor uses a configuration frequency 3.73GHz, 1.066GHz FSB, EM64T, 2MB L2 cache and HyperThreading. 2005: Intel Pentium D 820/830/840
Based 64 bit processor and are called dual core because it uses 2 core, with 1MB L2 cache configuration for each core, 800MHz FSB, and can operate at a frequency of 2.8GHz, 3.0GHz, and 3.2GHz. On the processor type is also included support for hyperthreading. 2006: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
Processors for desktop and type used in people who want more power than the computer that he had to have two cores with 2.4GHz configuration with 8MB L2 cache (up to 4 MB which can be accessed each core), 1.06GHz front-side bus, and thermal design power (TDP) 2006: Intel Quad-core Xeon X3210/X3220
Processor used to type the server and have two cores with each having the configuration 2.13 and 2.4GHz, respectively, with 8MB of L2 cache (4MB can achieve that is accessible to each core), 1.06GHz front-side bus, and thermal design power (TDP) -Http: / / / wiki / VGA VGA Card
VGA stands for Video Graphics Adapter, is an analog computer display standard first marketed by IBM in 1987. Although the standard VGA is no longer used because it has been replaced by a newer standard, VGA is still implemented on the Pocket PC. VGA was the last graphical standard that is followed by the majority of computer graphics card manufacturer. Display Windows until now still use the VGA mode is supported by many manufacturers of monitors and graphics cards.
The term VGA is often used to refer to the resolution of the screen size of 640 × 480, whatever graphics card hardware manufacturer. VGA card is useful to translate the computer output to the monitor. For the process of graphic design or playing video games, needed a high-powered graphics card. Famous graphics cards manufacturer, among others, ATI and nVidia. In addition, the VGA can also refer to the 15-pin VGA connector is still
widely used to deliver analog video signals to the monitor. Standard VGA was officially superseded by IBM's XGA standard, but in fact it was replaced by a Super VGA VGA. Reference: -Http: / / / wiki / VGA Network interface card
Network interface card or NIC also abbreviated network card) is a card that serves as a bridge from your computer to a computer network. NIC type in circulation, divided into two types, namely the physical NIC, and NIC which is logical. Examples of a physical NIC is the NIC Ethernet, Token Ring, and others, while the NIC that is logical is the loopback adapter and Dial-up Adapter. Also referred to as the Network Adapter. Each type of NIC was numbered addresses called MAC addresses, which can be static or can be changed by the user. Physical NIC
Generally in the form of a physical NIC cards that can be plugged into a slot in the computer's motherboard, which may be a card with the ISA bus, PCI bus, EISA bus, MCA bus, or PCI Express bus. In addition to the form of cards that plug into the motherboard, the physical NIC can also be an external card that a card with a USB bus, PCMCIA, serial bus, parallel bus or Express Card, thus increasing the mobility (for the mobile user). Physical NIC cards are divided into two types, namely:
- NIC card with a specific network medium (Media-specific NIC): what distinguishes the NIC card into some type of network used by the media. An example is an Ethernet NIC, which may be a Twisted-Pair (UTP or STP), thinnet, or Thicknet, or even wirelessly (Wireless Ethernet).
- NIC card with a specific network architecture (architecture-specific NIC): what distinguishes the NIC card into several types, according to the network architecture used. Examples are Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), that all
it uses a different NIC. Ethernet NIC card can be either Ethernet 10 megabits / second, 100 megabits / sec, 1 Gigabit / sec or 10 Gigabit / sec.
NIC task is to convert parallel data stream in the form of computer bus into serial data so it can be transmitted over the network media. Media commonly used, among other UTP cable Enhanced Category 5 or Category 5 (Cat5e), fiber-optic cable, or radio (if cordless).
Computers can communicate with the NIC by using several methods, namely the I / O is mapped into memory, Direct Memory Access (DMA), or a memory to be used together. A parallel data stream will
sent to the NIC card and stored beforehand in the memory card before packaged into several different frames, before it finally can be transmitted through the network media. The process of making this frame, will add headers and trailers to the data about to be sent, containing the address, signaling, or error-checking information. Frames will then be converted into electronic pulses (voltage, especially for copper cables), pulse-modulated light pulses (specifically for fiber-optic cables), or microwave (if using radio / wireless networks).
NIC is in the receiver to process the signals obtained in the inverted form, and convert those signals into a stream of bits (for a frame network) and transform these bits into parallel data streams in the receiving computer bus. Some of these functions can be owned by the NIC directly, installed in the firmware, or in the form of software installed in the operating system. Logical NIC
Logical NIC NIC is a type that does not exist physically and use fully the software installed on your operating system and works as if he is a NIC. Examples of logical NIC device is the loopback adapter (in the Windows operating system, must be installed manually or in the UNIX family of operating systems, installed by default, with the lo interface name) and Dial-up adapter (which makes the modem as a networking tool in the operating system Windows). Logical NIC card is made by using emulation techniques. Reference: - Http:// Assembling PREPARING THE CASING
Open both side of the chassis cover by removing four screws that are dibflakang casing. Keep the cover in a safe side. INSTALLING PROCCESOR 1. Open the plastic cover that covers the socket on the mainboard processor 2. Open the iron cover and hook the lever by pressing and then pull rod socket to the top 3. Put the processor into the socket to maintain the state of the stalk socket and the metal cover when entering processr 4. When entering proccesor should pay attention to the correct orientation
, There is a special bookmark in proccesor and socket 5. Push down the CPU socket and return the rod position to the original 6. Put headsink above the CPU and attach straps correctly 7. Plug the power cable to the fan kemainbord. The location of the socket is usually there is next to proccesor or just find a written CPU FAN INSTALLING MEMORY 1. Open the latch socket
2. Check the figures printed RAM 3. Enter the DDR SDRAM module into the DIMM slot 4. Key or press the back button INSTALLING MAINBOARD
Replace the back cover plate as the emergence of I / o port (PS2, USB, COM, Parallel, soundcard). Take the mainboard and put it into the casing. Position with bolt hole fitting dialas. Then attach the bolts mainboard INSTALLING HARDDISK
We use the hard drive is SATA type. Take the red wire. Attach one end to the mainbord accordance with his position. Replace the hard drive in accordance with the place, then tighten the bolts. Attach the other end of the cable diharddisk INSTALLING THE CABLE DATA
Data cabling is fairly easy. In order to fit mounting, no holes from the end of the cable must be fitted to the data that is not assigned to port pin. Another simpler way is to look at the color marker on wires. The red part should be placed close to the hard drive power socket and then plug the other end on the first IDE socket on the mainboard of the blue INSTALLING CDROOM
To install CDROOM, the first step is to open a box where CDROOM, then enter from the front bolt CDROOM according to the place that is not falter CDROOM PANEL FOR INSTALLING conector 1. Attach carefully to chassis front panel connector 2. The position of the pins or legs depending on the mainboard connector (usually available names are written around the mainboard) Cable Tidying
In order to not hit the fan connector and the connector looks tidy should be trimmed. Conector smoothed the way by tying using clamps. Excess clamp cut using cutting pliers. To turn on additional fans, plug the power connector conector powernya of the box with power supply INSTALLING POWER SUPPLY
Connect the power cable connector from the PSU power residing keport dimainboard. Port power is usually white with the number of pins 12 pieces. Usually the location of the port power socket next to the floppy. The model has been used entirely modern mainboard ATX connector is given a hook, so the installation can not be reversed power conector. Installing O / S windows
Before re-install or laptop computer, several devices is needed among other laptop or computer that will be installed, Windows XP original cd installer, as well as some drivers cd you laptop or computer. The first step you turn on the laptop and enter the windows installer cd, CD must be inserted first boot fitting, if already entered into windows, restart your laptop was. Wait a few moments until the laptop screen
writing reading: Press any key to boot from CD ... massage any key to boot your laptop from the CD. A moment later the laptop you're going to loading the files contained on the CD Installer. Wait until you are on the laptop screen Welcome to Setup screen press Enter to continue / resume. On the next screen you will be asked for approval by the Microsoft Corporation, press F8 if you agree and want to continue the installation process. On the next page we will be shown that there is a partition on the hard disk in your laptop. If you want to reformatting the partition because of certain reasons such as a virus, etc. then highlight the partition that you want to delete and re-format and press D to delete the partition. Reselect the
that is not partitioned and then create a partition to the size you like. Highlight the partition you want to install windows into it (recommended C:), press Enter. On the next page, select the NTCS may be a quick or not, press Enter. Laptops you will get in on the process of formatting the hard disk. Wait a few moments after formatting the hard disk is completed the laptop you going to copy the files the installer from the cd into your laptop. Once the files the installer tercopy laptop will reboot automatically. Leave the laptop to another screen to choose the regional setting. If you want a laptop you can support the kanji click Customize and select the Languages ​​menu option and then check in the Japanese and Chinese language. Then click OK, the laptop will copy some additional files of approximately 230 Mb. And if you berkeyboard Japanese laptop and you want to be able to write Kanji, click again and select Customize Menu Languages ​​and then click Details. Click Add and enter the Keyboard Japan into the option box. Change Default from Classic to be Japanese. Return to Regional Settings menu, click Next to continue the installation process. A few moments later you'll be asked your name and organization. Then you will be asked for the serial number of the Windows XP product you have purchased. After that you will be asked for setting hours and days, the contents according to the then current time. Click Next and you shall be given the option Typical Settings and Custom Settings, select Typical Settings. When finished click OK Nexk or so you'll see the words "Welcome to Microsoft Windows & ldquo Installing O / S Linux Before installing Linux • Make sure we still have remaining a minimum of 1.5GB hard drive
for Linux. It's okay if the harddisk page. preformatted using the Windows FAT32, we can outsmart them to the file system will be changed to Linux. • Note well that all the technical data in the computer peripherals
we use, like, the ethernet card (LAN card), sound card, type of hard disk, video card. Mandrake Linux is generally able to automatically detect the cards, this is just a precaution if Mandrake TSB failed to detect a peripheral card. The most simple & easy way to download the technical data of equipment check / card peripherals that is used is to use Windows through  Start Settings Control Panel    System Device Manager. Click the device that we want & write down the resources used. • Setting the BIOS boot sequence to be modified FDD (floppy) 
 CDROM HDD (hard disk). To enter the BIOS settings press ESC or DEL at boot time & looking for the first time to set the boot order. Prepare For Linux Partition
This section is the most exciting, is an art in itself & is highly dependent on initial conditions of our needs and we will install the hard drive. Linux will need a minimum of once a partition: Directory / Mount File System Size / Ext2 1 Gbyte / Home Ext2 100Mbyte Swap Swap 64Mbyte Setting process partitions can be done automatically by the Linux or manual. Installing Linux Enter the Mandrake Linux CD (CD 1) into the CD drive & boot the computer. Please make sure that you have in setting the BIOS boot sequence is: FDD (floppy)   CDROM HDD (hard disk).
If booting from the CDROM of Linux can be done well then you will see the logo on the screen of Linux Mandrake. You can immediately press the ENTER button to continue the installation process.
Need I remind you here that the process of installing Linux, especially for those who use the distribution Mandrake 8.0 is so easy because most of the parameters of his stay in just click OK because Mandrake has been detected & set up the best. In addition, some parameters can be set again after using the facilities installed Mandrake Linux Mandrake Control Center. Therefore we need not fear will suffer significant difficulties for installing Linux. Next will be my little overview of the process that occurs during installation.
Frankly, most of what we should do just press OK, Accept. Even if we have to set something usually all listed clearly on the screen.
The first screen that will appear is to ask what language you want to use in Linux. Some people will choose the Indonesian language which happens to be provided also under Linux Mandrake. Some colleagues, still prefer to use English as familiar with English. Press the OK button to continue.
Similar as in other software installation process, you will be prompted to accept the use of the software license agreement. You can read it fine if required & if you accept the agreement the use of the software can press the ACCEPT button.
Because Linux has an extensive collection of software, then there are several installation options that can be done. Therefore Mandrake provides a choice whether we will install the software that is recommended only, or for the expert (expert). At the recommended option is only required software that will be installed. On the choice of so many other software expert who will be installed which is usually only needed by those skilled in Linux (not a regular user). For beginners I recommend to choose recommended that most of the automation process will be by Linux.
Perhaps the most important elections just a programming package that will be used, because Linux is bringing a lot of program packages. Obviously you should choose the package that you need just to save my hard drive. Basically fikir pattern used is not too complicated, simply we usually focus on the use of workstations, servers or development. Each will need software that is very different from each other.
When you try Linux does not hurt as much as possible the software is installed so that can be tried various things related to Linux. Usually quite a graphic environment is installed (I usually choose KDE) so do not spend much space on my hard drive. Usually the hard drive of 1.5-1.9Gbyte enough to install quite a lot of software including source code for development.
When installation of all software packages will greatly depend on the type of CD drive & the computer you are using. For my computer Pentium II 233MHz takes about 45 minutes s / d 1 hour to install all the software packages that I want. On several occasions I had to install on a Pentium III machine CD drive> 40x, it takes only about 5-10 min's to install all the software I need.
After all the software on the installation, you will be asked for root password (the user the highest) on your machine. Do not forget the root password, because the root you can do anything on your computer is.
Then gradually we can include a user to a computer that will be used. Name, username, password for each user must be entered manually one by one. We recommend to use the daily use of non-root user to guard lest we change the configuration of the system inadvertently.
We will be handed a few options to set the monitor screen, resolution, etc. The level of its color. Usually everything is set properly by the software DrakX. So that we almost do not need to do anything except press the OK button. To secure his election monitor in my experience that in Linux, I usually use a generic setting for non-interlaced monitors if you want to get a resolution above 800x600. Local Area Network
Commonly abbreviated as Local Area Network LAN is a computer network whose network covers only a small area, such as campus computer networks, buildings, offices, in homes, schools or smaller. Currently, most LANs based on IEEE 802.3 Ethernet technologies using a switch device, which has a data transfer speed 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit / s. In addition to Ethernet technology, the current 802.11b technology (or so-called Wi-fi) is also often used to form a LAN. Places that provide a LAN connection with a technology called Wi-Fi hotspots.
On a LAN, each node or computer has the computing power of its own, different from the concept of a terminal dump. Each computer can also access resources on the LAN in accordance with permissions that have been set. These resources can be data or devices such as printers. On a LAN, a user can also communicate with another user by using the appropriate application.
CHARACTERISTICS LAN l It runs in a limited geographical area l Can be used multi-access to high-bandwidth media l Administration is done through local administrators
LAN DEVICES l Repeater l Bridge l Router l Hub l LAN Card
LAN NETWORK ARCHITECTURE l Client-Server Communication There are computer servers and computer Client in the network
LAN NETWORK ARCHITECTURE l Peer To Peer Communication Every computer on the network Peer to Peer functioning as a client and server
LAN BENEFITS l Exchange of files can be done with easy (File Sharing) l Use the printer can be done by all clients (Printer Sharing) l The data file in / out from / to the server can be in control. l The process of data backup becomes easier and fast In contrast to Wide Area Networks or Wide Area Network (WAN), then
LAN has the following characteristics: - Having a higher data rapidly - Includes a narrower geographical area - Does not require leased telecommunication lines from the operator telecommunication Usually one of the computers on the network computer that will be used a server that regulates all the systems within the network. WAN CHARACTERISTICS
l It runs on a wide geographical area l Can be accessed via the Serial Interface with low speed


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