A. BackgroundReligion gives an explanation that humans are creatures that have the potential for good berahlak (piety) or bad (fujur) fujur potential will always exist in human beings as they relate to aspects of instinct, instinctive, or lust, like the instinct to eat / drink, sex, power and a sense of security. If someone is weak potentsi piety, because it does not terkembangkan (through education), then human behavior in his life would not differ from animals because it is dominated by the potential fujurnya that is instinctive or implusif 

(like berjinah, killing, stealing, drinking, or using drugs and gambling).In order for the unbridled passions (in the sense of fulfillment in accordance with the teachings of religion), then the potential for self-restraint must be developed, namely through the religious education from an early age. If the religious values ​​have been internalized in a person then he will be able to develop himself as a cautious man, the one characteristic is able to control themselves (self contor) from gratification of the passions that are not in accordance with the teachings of religion.
B. Problem formulationThe issues to be addressed in the process of drafting this paper is "Human Relations With Religion".To provide clarity of meaning and to avoid the spread of the discussion, so in this paper is the problem limited to:1. Understanding Religion2. Conceptions of Religion3. Religion and Human Relationships4. Religion As Social Procedures Directive
C. PurposeBasically the purpose of writing this paper is divided into two parts, namely general and specific objectives. The general objective in the preparation of this paper is to fulfill one of the tasks subject of Religious Education.As for the specific purpose of preparation of this paper are:1. To find out the religious sense2. To find out conception of religion3. To determine the relationship of religion to human4. To know that religion is a human social order guidelines
D. Writing MethodsIn the process of preparation of this paper uses heuristic motede. The method of searching and gathering resources in conducting research activities. This method was chosen because it substantially in accordance with the preparation and writing activities are about to do. In addition, the preparation is also used as an engineering approach to study literature in the process of formulation.
E. Sestimatika WritingSystematic preparation of this paper is divided into three main sections, which further elaborated as follows:This part of the unity is preliminary. In this section some of the principal drafters memeparkan initial problems are closely related to major problems. In this introductory section on the lay out of the background of the problem constraints, and formulation of the problem, the purpose of writing papers, writing and systematic method of writing papers.Second Part of the discussion. In part this is the main portions of which would be reviewed in the process of drafting paper. Penyususn trying to describe the various findings have been found from search result sources / materials.The third section is conclusion. In this opportunity author tried to express to all issues raised by the drafters in the formulation of the problem.

A. Understanding ReligionReligion according sangsakerta language, religion means not chaotic (a = not gamma = chaotic) in other words, religion is a living guide that can free mankind from the chaos. Western world there is a general term for this religious notion, namely: religion, religie, religion, which means doing an act with great suffering or desperate, this act of worship or similar business carried out repeatedly. Another term for this religion which comes from Arabic, which is addiin which means: the law, calculations, kingdom, power, suits, judgments, and retaliation. All of them give the impression that "addiin" is a devotion and surrender, the absolute of a servant to God the creator with certain ceremonies and behavior, as a manifestation of obedience (Moh. Intercession, 1965).From the point of sociology, Emile Durkheim (Ali, 1985: 81) defines religion as a collection keayakinan heritage and personal feelings, an impersonation of modes, rituals, rules, conventions and social practices have been steady during genarasi after generation.Meanwhile, according to M. Natsir religion is a belief and way of life that contain factors include:a. Believing in God as the source of all laws and values ​​of life.b. Believe in the revelation of God delivered to rosulnya.c. Believe in the existence of the relationship between God and man.d. Believe these relationships can affect everyday life.e. Believe that with the death of a person, his spirit lives does not end.f. Believe in worship as a way to make contact with God.g. Believing in God as the goal keridhoan live in this world.While the religion of Islam can be interpreted as a revelation of God revealed through His Prophet as a guide of human life in the world that contains the Regulation of commands and prohibitions so that people get kebahagaian in this world and the hereafter.
B. Conceptions of ReligionIn the Qur'an Surah Al-Bakoroh 208, Allah says:يايها الدين امنواادخلوا فى السلم كافة ولاتتبعوا خطوت الشيطن انه لكم عد ومبينMeaning: O ye who believe you go into Islam as a whole, whole (not partial-in part) and do not follow the devil, Satan sesunggungnya enemy to you.Kekaffahan religion that has been demonstrated by Muhammad as uswah hasanah for Muslims in various activities of life, ranging from simple problems (such as adab in a toilet) samapi to complex problems (take care of the State). Beliu have displayed a form of Islam is in the attitude and behavior wherever and whenever beliu is the ultimate and perfect in the practice of worship mahdlah (habluminallah) and ghair mahdlah (hablumminanas).Although he had received assurances maghfiroh (forgiveness of sins) and go to heaven, but instead he further increased the mandatory deeds such as prayer and the Sunnah tahajud, zdikir, and beristigfar. Likewise in social interaction with fellow human beings beliu private figure shows a very great and noble.We as Muslims are not all beruswah the Messenger in earnest, as they may lack our understanding of the values ​​of Islam or because it was contaminated by the values, opinions, or other bersebrangan ideology with Islamic values ​​which in itself is demonstrated by the Prophet SAW.Among Muslims there are still many who display attitudes and behaviors that are not aligned, in accordance with the values ​​of Islam as a religion. In everyday life are often found either event or events that we see in person or through the mass media about examples of inconsistency (no istikomah) people in a guided islam islam as his religion.
C. Religion and Human RelationshipsThe condition of Muslims today is aggravated by widespread phenomenon of life can foster attitudes and behaviors that a degradation of moral values ​​or faith.The phenomenon is quite influential are:1. Television media impressions about the story that is superstitious or kemusrikan, and films that smells of porn.2. Magazine or a tabloid cover featuring models who mengubar genitalia.3. Ketauladanan crisis from the leaders, because not a few of them actually behave that deviate from religious values.4. Crisis relationship between Muslims, they still tend to promote the interests of the group (party or organization) respectively.Person Islam as the figure above are certainly not beneficial for the people themselves, especially for kemulaian religion of Islam as a noble religion and nothing is more precious on it. Condition of Muslims like these that will inhibit kenajuan Muslims and can even bond ukuwah ravaged Muslims themselves.In order for Muslims to rise up to be the people who are able menwujudkan mission "Rahmatan lil'alamin" then they should have a full understanding (Khafah) about Islam itself Muslims not only have strength in the field IMTAQ (faith and piety) but also in the field of science and technology (science and technology). They are expected to integrate the practice of ritual worship to the essential meaning of worship itself is manifested in everyday life, such as: self-control, patient, trustworthy, honest, altruistic attitudes, tolerance and mutual menghormatai not like to offend or blaspheme others. Can also be said that Muslims should be able to blend between mila-value mix of worship mahdlah (hablumminalaah) with ibadag ghair mahdlah (hamlumminanas) in order to build "Baldatun thaibatun warabun Ghafur" a fertile country prosperous and full forgiveness of Allah SWT.
D. Religion As Social Procedures DirectiveThe Prophet said: "Innamaa bu'itstu liutammima akhlaaq" Surely I was sent to perfect good character. Responsible for the moral education of parents, teachers, religious teachers, kiai, and community leaders.Moral education is very important because it involves the attitudes and behavior that must be displayed by Muslims in everyday life both personal and social (family, school, office, and the broader society). Morals are very important commendable owned by every Muslim (mumdurnya advanced society because a nation or country is very dependent on morals.To achieve this it needs the synergy of cooperation from various parties in order to develop character and destroy mulya leburkan the factors causing the rise of bad character.

Religion according sangsakerta language, religion means not chaotic (a = not gamma = chaotic) in other words, religion is a living guide that can free mankind from the chaos.We as Muslims are not all beruswah the Messenger in earnest, as they may lack our understanding of the values ​​of Islam or because it was contaminated by the values, opinions, or other bersebrangan ideology with Islamic values ​​which in itself is demonstrated by the Prophet SAW.In order for Muslims to rise up to be the people who are able menwujudkan mission "Rahmatan lil'alamin" then they should have a full understanding (Khafah) about Islam itself Muslims not only have strength in the field IMTAQ (faith and piety) but also in the field of science and technology (science and technology).Moral education is very important because it involves the attitudes and behavior that must be displayed by Muslims in everyday life both personal and social (family, school, office, and the broader society). Morals are very important commendable owned by every Muslim (mumdurnya advanced society because a nation or country is very dependent on morals.

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